Aggregation Clauses

The GROUP BY Clause

The GROUP BY clause is only used in conjuction with aggregation. Our first query is going to find the number of movies that were produced in each year, and it's going to do so by using grouping. Essentially what grouping does is it takes a relation and it partitions it by values of a given attribute or set of attributes.

FROM Movie

Specifically in this query we're taking the Movie relation and we're breaking it into multiple groups. Each group is represented by each individual year. Then for each group we return one tuple in the result containing the Year for the group and the number of tuples in the group.

We would then get the number 1 for each year, because there is no two movies in our database that were produced in the same year.

The HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause is another clause that is only used with aggregation. The HAVING clause allows us to apply conditions to the results of the aggregate functions. The HAVING clause is placed after the GROUP BY clause and it allows us to check conditions that involve the entire group. In contrast, the WHERE clause applies only to one tuple at a time.

Let's create a query that finds directors which have produced more than one movie.

Our query will look like this:

SELECT Director
FROM Movie
GROUP BY Director

The above query is going to get each Director from the Movie table, and then put them into their own groups. For each group, or Director, it is going to check to see if there are more than one mID's that are associated with that Director. If there is, the Director will be returned in the results. If not, then the Director will not be returned.

For this particular query, we would either get an error or a null value, because there is no director in our database that has produced more than one movie.

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